Autonomous UAV Racing
An Intel research drone sitting in the indoor flight cage.
In the summer of 2019, I attended Beaver Works’ Summer Institute (BWSI) for a free six-week course on programming autonomous drones. While there, I attended seminars hosted by experts from Raytheon, BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin, and MIT’s labs. Throughout the course, we used ROS to utilize an Intel research drone’s forward-facing camera and downward-facing camera. The downward-facing camera identified an LED strip the drone would follow the path of LEDs. The forward-facing camera identified ArUco markers and the drone would fly over or under the marker depending on the fiducial’s ID. In the final two weeks, three other teammates and I worked on a program that would incorporate both ArUco and LED detection to complete an obstacle course as fast as possible.
Me and a friend being safe.
Me pondering the existence of drones.